What are Intents?


Cross-chain intents are a foundational concept powering the Lamina platform, enabling seamless interactions across multiple blockchain networks. They provide a mechanism for users to initiate and execute actions that span different blockchains, leveraging the diverse capabilities and liquidity available across all ecosystems.

What Are Cross-Chain Intents?

A cross-chain intent is a declarative statement or request made by a user or application, specifying an action to be performed across different blockchain networks. This action can involve a variety of operations, such as transferring assets, executing smart contracts, or interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) on different chains.

For instance, instead of placing orders by signing a raw transaction that executes directly on the blockchain (as done on Uniswap or SushiSwap), Lamina users submit an "intent to trade" message. This message outlines details such as the assets and amounts they wish to trade and is signed by the user. The intent acts as a signed authorization, allowing solvers to carry out the trade on the user's behalf using the specified assets and amounts.

Cross-chain intents are crucial for enabling interoperability and improving UX in a fragmented omnichain world, where assets and services are spread across multiple blockchains.

Key Characteristics

  1. Declarative Nature: Cross-chain intents are high-level descriptions of actions that a user wishes to execute, rather than detailed instructions. This abstraction allows the underlying protocol to manage the complexities of cross-chain communication.

  2. Interoperability: They enable seamless interactions between different blockchain networks, allowing users to leverage the unique features and liquidity of each chain without needing to redeploy infrastructure or duplicate assets.

  3. Atomicity: Cross-chain intents are designed to be executed atomically, ensuring that either all parts of the transaction succeed or none at all. This atomic nature prevents issues such as partial execution, which can lead to asset loss or inconsistencies.

Components of Cross-Chain Intents

  1. Intent Data Structure:

    • Action: The specific operation to be performed, such as asset transfer, contract execution, etc.

    • Source Chain: The blockchain network where the intent is initiated.

    • Target Chain: The blockchain network where the action is to be executed.

    • Parameters: Additional information required to execute the action, such as asset amounts, contract addresses, and specific instructions.

    • Initiator: The entity (user or application) that creates the intent.

    • Signature: A cryptographic signature that verifies the authenticity and authorization of the intent.

  2. Intent Registry: A decentralized ledger that records all submitted cross-chain intents. This registry ensures transparency and provides a reference point for validators and executors.

  3. Intent Validators: Nodes responsible for verifying the validity and authenticity of intents. They check for sufficient funds, compliance with protocol rules, and proper intent structure.

  4. Solver Network: A network of solvers or agents responsible for carrying out the actions specified in the intents on the target chain. They are critical for bridging the gap between different blockchains and ensuring that the intents are fulfilled accurately.

  5. Communication Protocol: The underlying protocol that facilitates secure message passing and data synchronization between the involved blockchains. It handles the complexities of cross-chain communication, including data translation and consensus mechanisms.

How Cross-Chain Intents Work

  1. Creation: A user or application formulates a cross-chain intent by specifying the desired action, along with necessary details such as source and target chains and parameters.

  2. Submission: The intent is submitted to the Intent Registry on the source chain, along with a cryptographic signature for verification.

  3. Validation: Intent Validators review the submitted intent to ensure it meets all necessary criteria, including proper authorization and sufficient assets.

  4. Broadcasting: Upon successful validation, the intent is broadcast to the Executor Network, signaling that it is ready for execution.

  5. Execution: Solvers on the target chain perform the required actions, such as transferring assets or invoking smart contracts. They ensure that the operation is completed atomically and securely.

  6. Finalization: After execution, a transaction receipt is generated and sent back to the source chain. The Intent Registry is updated to reflect the completion of the intent, providing a record for transparency and auditing.

Use Cases

  1. Cross-Chain Asset Transfers: Moving assets from one blockchain to another, enabling users to leverage different platforms and liquidity pools.

  2. Cross-Chain Smart Contract Calls: Invoking smart contracts on one blockchain based on conditions or events occurring on another chain.

  3. Multi-Chain dApp Interaction: Allowing decentralized applications to operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains, offering a unified user experience.

Advantages of Cross-Chain Intents

  1. Flexibility and Interoperability: Users can interact with multiple blockchain networks without being confined to a single ecosystem.

  2. Efficiency: Eliminates the need for redundant infrastructure deployment and complex cross-chain setups.

  3. Security: The atomic nature of cross-chain intents ensures that transactions are either fully executed or not at all, preventing partial failures and inconsistencies.


Cross-chain intents are a powerful and essential backbone of the Lamina platform, enabling the seamless and secure interaction of assets, contracts, and data across different blockchain networks. By abstracting the complexities of cross-chain communication, they empower developers and users to fully leverage the capabilities of a multi-chain ecosystem, driving innovation and interoperability in the DeFi space.

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